Thursday, November 13, 2014

Digital Badge #K-Chapter 11

Digital Portfolios for Students: Building a digital or e-portfolio to begin with is so much easier than  creating in a paper-bound portfolio. I think this would be so beneficial for students trying to become a teacher, or that would like to be a teacher in the future because it shows a process. You would be able to be as creative as you are while putting all that you have learned about that would benefit you later. Not only would one person could see but the whole world. Although a little disadvantage I find in this is that there could be people that could copy or steal your same ideas but that could happen in paper-bound portfolio period. The accessibility and portability you have creating an e-portfolio is the best advantage because your able to access it whenever you want no matter where you are. How about the fact that you are less likely to loose it? Thats just awesome !

Online Surveys for Preassessment: I think this is a great strategy for teachers to use to identify skills and knowledge their students have as well as the knowledge they need about a lesson or topic they are about to teach. This online survey allows teachers to see where students stand while allowing them to see what student they have to work with a little bit more. This class has actually been the first class where I have experienced this. From experience I could say it has a great advantage. Not only was it fun for all of us in the class to participate in but it was also good for the teacher to see who knew more, which then she could group us in the right groups. I really think every teacher should do this, it shows students teacher care a little bit more while it is also so easy for students because they could log in from their devices or computers in class. There are many ways you could use online surveys, point is that they are very useful.

Changing the Classroom Experience: Using clickers in class can change the classroom experience. Teachers are able to ask inquiry and opinion questions while students participate as a whole to answer them. I have never experienced this as a student in any of my classes in the past or now, but the way the book described how a teacher could use them in a classroom, sounds really interesting and active. Classroom participation allows us as students to have the opportunity to experience a different type of classroom discussion. If students are  graded also by their participation in class, this will allow them to join the rest of their classmates while making the class enjoyable and not boring. I would have loved to use clickers in my class, especially in math class where I would always raised my hand, instead I would use a device that could get my answer to the board faster. Another class that would be interesting to use clickers in would be psychology, a lot of hands go up in that one. Instead we could have clickers in use, this would be wonderful when we do quizzes as a class or in groups.

Photo Credits to: on Google

Resources: Maloy, R. W., Verock-O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2011).Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

1 comment:

  1. With the more popular BYOD, the clickers are becoming a bit extinct since we can basically do the same thing with student's personal devices and/or computers using Socrative, Infuse Learning, Kahoot!, etc. Either way, it is definitely beneficial to be able to check for understanding in an 'anonymous' way and yet still have data for teachers to help students learn what they missed and/or reflect upon.

    You'll have the chance to work on a practice digital portfolio in an upcoming assignment and can see the advantages in a more personal way. As you grow into your teaching role, the portfolio provides opportunities for continuous improvement through sharing and reflection. I'm not sure that "taking" another's ideas is preventable these days considering the vast access of the web and the 'remix' revolution - more importantly, we need to give credit for our inspiration. :)
